Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline: 855-OH-CHILD
10 Simple Skills for Addressing Stress This document contains examples of what may cause stress in an adult or child’s life as well as techniques to handle stress in healthy ways. 10 Ways to Reduce Single Parent Stress This article provides ways for single parents to reduce stress in their lives as their raise a child alone. 20 Specific Actions That Make Relationships Powerful In Young People’s Lives The Search Institute has created a website to further educate adults on developing valuable relationships with children. 4 Brief Trainings on Child Neglect The Preventing Child Neglect training series, developed by CANTASD and the National Alliance of Children’s Trust and Prevention, raises public awareness and understanding of child neglect through a set of videos and discussion toolkits. 7 Tips for Staying Calm provides strategies for parents and caretakers to effectively manage stress while providing care for a child. Annual National Statistics (from the Children’s Bureau) This site provides the annual Child Maltreatment reports that include data provided by the states to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data Systems. Brain Architecture (A Study From Harvard University) The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University has published research that discusses how early adolescent experiences affect the development of brain architecture and experiences later in life. Campaign Brochure Learn about the mission of our initiative and how you can start making a difference. CDC Building Community Commitment for Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships and Environments The CDC has created a supplemental booklet to the “Essentials for Childhood” that teaches how to build commitment in your community for a safe, stable, nurturing relationship and environment. CDC Essentials for Childhood The Centers for Disease Control has created a booklet the outlines the essentials for childhood and steps to create safe, stable, nurturing relationships, and environments. Center on the Developing Child: Harvard University The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University has provided tools, reading materials, and other child development resources for parents and caretakers. Discipline Thoughtfully The 10 Principles of Good Parenting is an article that provides tips for dealing with a child’s behavior and building healthy relationships. Executive Function Published by the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, this research study explains how executive function and self-regulation skills work together. Facts At A Glance (from the CDC) Provided by the CDC, this document offers facts and statistics regarding child abuse and neglect in the United States. From Best Practices to Breakthrough Impacts This booklet outlines a science-based approach to building a more promising future for young children and families. Healthy Environments Flyer If you have a family, it is critical that you build a nurturing and loving home for your children. Learn simple ways to ensure a better future for your child. Help yourself This article provides ways to keep babies calm, happy, and emotionally healthy. We can do a lot to protect babies from the effects of toxic stress. How to Avoid Passing Anxiety to Your Kids The Child Mind Institute follows a young mom’s personal account of recognizing anxiety in her children and techniques to model stress tolerance so that anxiety does not get passed down to her children. I VetoViolence Pledge VetoViolence is the CDC’s online violence prevention portal that is an active voice in preventing sexual abuse. Improve Student Motivation The Search Institute has created a program called “REACH,” which is a relationship-based system that measures and improves motivation among students and teachers in schools nationwide. Info on Early Childhood Mental Health This link provides research from the Center on the Developing Child by Harvard University that discusses the effects of disruptions to the development of a child’s brain and the future of their mental health. Make A Difference Flyer Whether you are a parent, caregiver, or other concerned adult, you too can create a better future in the life of a child. Mental Health This link provides research from the Center on the Developing Child by Harvard University that discusses the effects of disruptions to the development of a child’s brain and the future of their mental health. Recognize Abuse & Take Action This document includes information on defining child abuse and neglect, while providing ways to prevent and take action. Recognizing Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect Nationwide Children’s Hospital has created a blog that provides tips for recognizing common signs of child abuse and neglect, as well as services to report child the issue. Relationships That Matter: 5 Keys to Helping Your Child Succeed The Search Institute has created “Family Programs” TO give parents and their adolescent youth an opportunity to learn about keys to positive family relationships. Resilience This research study from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University describes how to reduce effects of significant adversity on children’s healthy development of resilience. Risk and Protective Factors for Child Neglect This research booklet, conducted by the National Alliance of Children’s Trust and Prevention Funds, includes investigative interviews, information, and reactions from the Alliance National Parent Partnership Council Members. Signs of Child Abuse (PDF) This online document provides numerous red flags of child abuse and how to respond when a child reaches out to you. Southwest Ohio Region Comprehensive Needs Assessment A document that outlines the needs identified in our region’s respective counties, guiding the methods and information provided in this initiative. Southwest Ohio Regional Prevention Plan A summarized plan to the tactics and strategies that are to be implemented from the Comprehensive Needs Assessment, with the goal that every child in Southwest Ohio has the opportunity and resources to grow up safe and healthy. Stress and Stress Management for Grown-Ups This website provides examples of warning signs of stress, stress management tips, and resources to help adults maintain a healthy level of stress. The Developmental Assets Framework Search Institute has identified 40 positive supports and strengths that young people need to succeed in various aspects of their lives. The Science of Resilience This is a link to a video that provides a lesson in the science of resilience. Tips from OCTF—10 Ways to Help Prevent CAN The Center for Family Safety and Healing created a resource with the actions one should avoid when identifying potential risk of abuse. Tips to Avoid Parental Burnout Healthline has provided warning signs of burnout and tips to avoid parental burnout to parents or caretakers who are fearful of becoming burned out from parenting. Toxic Stress This link provides information published by the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University about the biology of positive, tolerable, and toxic stressors and how they can affect growing children. Understanding Child Maltreatment (from the CDC) Provided by the Centers for Disease Control, this document offers definitions, statistics, prevention methods, and resources to protect against child abuse and neglect. Why Should Businesses Invest? This document explains how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) affect children and local communities, and how businesses can get involved to help prevent child abuse.