Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline: 855-OH-CHILD

The Power To Help a Child

All children grow and thrive in the context of close and dependable relationships that provide love, security, and nurturing. A positive adult-child relationship that is built on trust, understanding, and caring will foster a child’s cooperation and motivation. This will, in turn, increase their social and emotional competence, confidence, and overall resilience.

The Power To Show Support for a Child

When children disclose that they are experiencing abuse or neglect, it is seldom straightforward. Children sometimes attempt to alert adults by changing their behavior or by making vague verbal statements. Disclosure is about seeking support and your response can help impact the their ability to recover from the trauma.

What to do:

  • Remain calm
  • Believe the child
  • Allow the child to talk
  • Show interest or concern
  • Reassure and support the child
  • Take action

What not to do:

  • Panic or overreact
  • Force the child to talk
  • Promise anything you can’t control
  • Confront the offender
  • Blame or minimize the child’s feelings
  • Overwhelm the child with questions

Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline 855-OH-CHILD